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3 Steps to Zero Trust Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Cyberattacks have become rampant and have also grown in sophistication. A simple lapse in your network security could lead to a chain of events that could prove catastrophic for your business. You can avoid this by implementing a robust cybersecurity framework such as zero trust.

Zero trust asserts that no user or application should be trusted automatically. It encourages organizations to verify every access while treating every user or application as a potential threat. Zero trust is a great starting point for businesses that want to build formidable cybersecurity. It can not only adapt to the complexity of the modern work environment, including a hybrid workplace, but also protect people, devices, applications and data irrespective of where they are located.

However, zero trust should not be mistaken for a solution or a platform, regardless of how security vendors market it to you. You can't just buy it from a security vendor and implement it with a click of a button. Zero trust is a strategy — a framework that needs to be applied systematically.

Implementing zero trust: Three core principles to remember

As you begin your journey to implement a zero-trust framework to bolster your IT security, there are three core principles that you must remember:

1. Continually verify

2. Limit access

3. Assume breach and minimize impact

We are here to help

Achieving zero trust compliance on your own can be a daunting task. However, partnering with an IT service provider like us can ease your burden. Leverage our advanced technologies and expertise to implement zero trust within your business — without hiring additional talent or bringing on additional tools yourself.

Download our infographic Why Now Is the Time to Embrace Zero Trust” to learn actionable steps you can take today to build a solid zero trust security framework. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

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